
Saturday, August 27, 2011

friday in pictures...

i spilled sugar.
{the WHOLE jar}

clint {bless him} cleaned it up.

hud spelled his favorite words with letter stickers.

sis felt quite cheery about her afternoon bottle.

i found the perfect model....

...for my new crochet habit.

***i've had several requests for adult hats & scarves {thanks!}.  i need a little practice, so i can do a few more (first come, first serve!), the yarn (all ORGANIC cotton) is $7 per item & you can pay whatever you'd like beyond that.

*shirt GIVEAWAY next week!


Elena said...

Yikes, spilled sugar.

Congrats on understanding crochet! The hats are adorable, I like the colors you've chosen(and the model is pretty cute too!).

kelly said...

e! thanks :)

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