yes, i did!
and i even took pictures to prove it...
mmhmmm. see?!! i was going to make indian curry, but realized i forgot to pick up one small ingredient - the curry paste. ooops ;)
mom was here this past week & we worked it trying to get a million & one things done/sewn for baby girl (who will be here in about FOUR weeks, can you believe it???! i cannot.). we didn't get it all done, but we never do - our list is always too long!! & i've felt even more slow & tired & BIG this week, for some reason.
i do feel much better nesting-wise, though. hudson's curtains (complete with blackout lining - YES!) are up & i just have to finish one little part of baby girl's bumper + do the simple dust ruffle (easiest part). the curtains are all cut out & my blessed mother took them home to finish. i promise to get pics when it's all done!! nothing is in the nursery yet because hudson is still in there awaiting his big boy bed.
by the way, he's doing great in the toddler bed (crib converted). whenever we put him down to sleep, he always says "mommy, i not get out of my bed!". YES, son!! that's right & THANK YOU ever so much for the gift you're giving your poor, tired, pregnant mommy for not getting out of the bed!! & i know your poor, tired, "husband-to-a-pregnant-woman" daddy is thankful, too :)
i must take this opportunity to give a shout out to that man. bless him - he has endured :) he continually takes the lion's share of parenting hudson when he can, so i can rest my weary belly! he even left to get me a coke in the middle of american idol the other night when my fish oil pills made me suddenly burp up the worst taste ever (ickkkk!) & i HAD to have a coke to wash it down! and he always lets me catch a few extra winks in the morning, when he can. i am so very thankful for you, c.
i was going to type out the recipe for this pesto for you, but suddenly i'm tired! and i'm trying to conserve my energy to get a few loads of laundry done tonight. but if you're interested, let me know & i'll see if i can get it to you. it's one of my fav yum/easy ones & it's great to freeze, too.
(and ps: christy, this update is partially for you, though you DO realize the last time YOU posted was january 5th, right??!!!!!! you better get to it, too!)
That pesto was YUMMY! I think i will need the recipe, but no rush. Finish baking that baby first ;o)
that pasta looks so good! when you have a chance can you post the recipe?!
i want the recipe! please post :) kel we have the same life...well before kyle broke his legs but still... :) i miss you and when i think of you i know you are feeling all the same things as me and it make me feel better! but just think you will not be preg 4 weeks before me. i love you! mere ps DYING to see huddy's room and baby girls room.
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