
Monday, September 12, 2011

no fear

remember when i blogged about graphic design help?
i said i had learned a lot about graphic design doing our website {HarpDesignCo} &  realized i really liked it & that i'd love to help if someone was in the market for logo design, etc???

want to know how i felt about it?
as in i-hate-putting-myself-out-there-like-this-DUMB.
as in no-one's-going-to-contact-you-DUMB.
as in you're-not-that-good-DUMB.

but i made myself do it anyway because i'm trying to practice "putting myself out there", trying things, not being afraid.  i decided the other day that fear is no longer going to be a motivator for me to do, or not do anything.  there's always something to be afraid of anyway, so might as well just forget it!

so i went for it.
i put my little graphic out there & thought i'd just ignore those voices that said i looked DUMB.
& you know what happened?

& this...
i got to do these graphics for brooke & ice this cakes in nashville!  it was SO MUCH creative fun to do this for brooke.  the top was my favorite logo & the bottom was hers.  THANKS, brooke for letting me do your logo & giving me a chance to do something so very important - believe in myself :)

if you find yourself needing some graphic design or simple web design for a good price, i know a gal {wink, wink}.  email me - kghmaddie(at)yahool(dot)com.  i'm a newbie & charge newbie prices.


Jaclyn said...

SO SO cute! I love it! most talented friend. That is you :)

Jen Haney said...

I love it too Kel!!!! It is so bright and a great design- you may have found your new talent!! Maybe if I got a new header for my blog I would actually blog. :) let's talk business girl. I'll call you!!

Micaela Marques said...

These are so cute!

Elena said...


Hurrah for putting yourself out there. : )

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