
Monday, October 3, 2011

monday list...

READING:  1491 (charles c. mann)
MAKING:  my second crochet cowl - no pattern, just a circle - couldn't be that hard, right??!
COOKING:  pw's lasagna (oh yes.)
SEEING:  the HUMONGOUS mess that is our house.  we've given up.  it's all boxes, piles, & toys EVERYWHERE.
THINKING:  i can't believe we're leaving in less than a week.
SORTING:  my craft stash.  gah, i have a LOT of stuff!!!
ADMIRING: the NFL players wearing pink for breast cancer awareness :)

LISTENING TO:  holland yell "DADDY!  DADDY!  DADDYY!" over the monitor.  our baby turned into an almost 2 yr old this afternoon.  spaghetti throwing & everything.
NEEDING:  a shower.  and a haircut.
WONDERING:  if i'm going to have time to blog this week.


nonna said...

im reading 1493!

nonna said...

you should be finished with that book by now, giiiiirl.

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