
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

dear uk...

dear uk,

i have a bone to pick with you.  your internet access stunk.  & no, don't blame it on my phone.  it couldn't possibly be because i never update my phone.  no.  that's not it at all.

fortunately for you, there wasn't much else i didn't like about you.  you're pretty great. 
#1 on my list might be your pot pies.
when i think about your pot pies, i wonder if you're not a country after my own heart.  from my sis's homemade veggie pies to the 14 odd beef pot pies clint & i ordered @ your various establishments, i feel i have experienced pot pie heaven.

and now i shall thank you for your food in general.  @ first i was concerned that i would find your meals lacking, but i was oh so very wrong.  starting with the fabulousness of broadway market

this is the stuff clint & i dream of.
greenwich market is equally cool.  more crafty.  less foody.  the best part of this market being my sister's boyfriend's stall...

hampson woods
 (note to the english language:  please come up with a term between boyfriend & fiance.  4 years of calling jonty "my sister's boyfriend" is a little ridiculous, don't you think?  and she always rolls her eyes when we say our "brother-in-common-law", so i need some help.)

next, dear uk, i shall thank you for your sheep.
they're wooly.  they're puffy.  they dot the countryside with nursery rhyme kinds of sweetness.
but they do poop. 
a lot.
& it's sort of everywhere.  
& that's a bit problematic for your dreamy, wow-i'm-in-the-english-countryside kind of walk. 
but it makes for a great excuse to wear pink polka dotted wellies. 
that's me looking on the bright side of things :)
and here i conclude my letter.
many thanks for a nice holiday!

kelly harp


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! looks like you all had a good time. and you look SO cute in your boots and hat. safe travels home. i had a dream last night we stayed w/ you guys for a few days and left some things (i think i am sitll coming down from our quick trips seeing family over thanksgiving) but funny that i thought of you guys. blessings! emily mckeever

mere said...

yay! you're back! now we can catch up and i want to hear all about the trip! :)

Nonna said...

Miss you already cutie pie! Love love love and enjoy your next big trip!!!

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